I'm in a book!

I had completely forgotten about the interview I had last summer by a lady who was writing a book titled Weekend Entrepreneur. It is a book listing different ways you can make money and I was referred to this lady as someone in the mystery shopping industry whose story could be used in the book.

This morning, I received an email from a PR lady who, I'm guessing, was emailing the different people whose stories were told in the book. The PR lady asked if I would be interested in promoting my business as well as the book. Heck yeah! I emailed her back on what I do now (no longer a mystery shopper, but have moved up to Director of Marketing).

The promoting will begin next week and PR lady is going to be contacting our local/regional media and hopefully I will be having some public relations interviews set up soon. My fingers are crossed!

Go to Books-A-Million now and you can buy the book "Weekend Entrepreneur". If you live by me, I'll sign the book for ya! hee hee

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